Kristen Noel Crawley KNC Beauty
Kristen Noel Crawley first discovered lip masks on a trip to Tokyo, and was instantly enamored with the idea. So she set out to create her own version, and KNC Beauty was born.
What drove you to start your own brand? I was lucky enough to visit Tokyo on a beauty trip with my longtime partner, Dior. While sightseeing, I stumbled across Don Quijote, which—if you know—is practically the Target of Japan. Perusing the endless aisles of skincare and cosmetics, I discovered classic Japanese lip masks, which are a major trend over there. The packaging and graphics were so inspiring and represented the culture beautifully. I really just fell in love with the look of the product and wanted to create something unique around it. I would never have imagined that I was going to develop an entire skincare line from that experience, but here we are!
What’s your favorite product in the line? Not only are my Retinol Infused Eye Masks unlike anything else on the market, they’re super effective and insanely cute.
What are your morning and evening routines?
It’s the same thing for me morning and night—I always start and end my day with prayer. It’s what keeps me going when the sun’s up, and the only way I can ensure a good night’s sleep.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I test all KNC Beauty products myself (and on my close friends) to make sure I’m developing products that really work. I literally use my products every day because they provide legitimate and immediate results.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting their own business?
Stay strong! It’s so cliché, but seriously—don’t back down. Know your worth and be confident in your vision when you walk in the room. The industry has become so much more inclusive over the years, and it’s important to know that you have a space in it with your own unique perspective on beauty.

The Founders Series
Learn how some of the beauty industry’s most dynamic entrepreneurs find inspiration and develop must-have products as they share their advice for aspiring business moguls and much more